Hope Among The Living
The human journey through life is one of ups and downs. But the goal is to make it to the end on the ups.
Today; however, it appears society and people don't believe the human has the ability to overcome hardships, failures, or other difficulties. This is evident in the sad trend of suicide. People are convinced that there is no hope and succumbed to suicide. And of course, society does not help. Today society is quick to condemn, cast the stone, and shun anyone whom by their estimation have failed, or made a mistake. A majority of society has failed to extend compassion and forgiveness; which often help revive the human spirit.
The Author of life, the One Who is the final authority on all matters concerning the universe understands His creation better than anyone.
To God, the human can withstands multiple hardships, failures, and downfalls. We see this evidenced in Peter who betrayed Jesus, yet God gave Him a chance to not let the mistake defines him. And there are many other biblical figures like Peter.
Both Peter and Judas Iscariot failed. One overcame and the other believed a lie. Judas committed suicide. Knowing the character of Jesus, had Judas repented and aimed to change the course of his life, he would have been forgiven by Jesus. But he believed the lie that the human could not make a u-turn.
Anyone who is among the living has hope -even a live dog is better off than a dead lion! Ecclesiastes 9:4
For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again...Proverbs 24:16
For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven...Ecclesiastes 3
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
No pit is so deep that He is not deeper still; with Jesus even in our darkest moments, the best remains and the very best is yet to be. Corrie ten Boom
One success is not the journey of the Christian's walk. One failure is not the journey of the Christian's walk. Bernard Lewis.