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Modeline Fenelon is a physical manifestation of the biblical words "taste and see." Her internal joy in Christ has manifested into a visible taste for life. With a ready smile always on her face and a song in her voice, Modeline is a bright, sunny, and giving personality who loves bringing joy and light to those who call her "friend," myself included. She enjoys activities such as shopping, painting, singing, and going out with friends. An adventurer, she is always willing to try new things; new things that don't "vex my soul," she would say. Modeline's exuberant personality has resulted in a wealth of friends from all backgrounds, the benefit of which is a wealth of opportunities to witness the greatness and creativity of God. Like the fast-paced city she calls home, Modeline tirelessly works to help those she encounters find purpose through her gift of song, and desires to help others accept and believe in one simple truth: that you are powerful in God and in God alone. On weekends, Modeline devotes her time to the Brooklyn Tabernacle church as a choir member where she uses her voice to minister to the congregation, as well as serving in other ministries there. She also spends time as a radio personality for Christian programming. A consummate advocate, Modeline has used her platform as a lover of Christ to encourage others by creating a series called "The Living Epistle Project" where she documents modern everyday heroes in their lives, their struggles, and their faith and ultimate victory in Jesus Christ. By day, Modeline works as an attorney, advocating for those in need from various areas of law. If one word can be used to describe Modeline, that word is "Ministry."
--Loudie Valcourt, Esq.
This book is for Christians, especially for those who have wondered how life can get so far off the course they expected. (Doesn't that really include us all?)
Modeline Fenelon, Esq., examines the scriptures to prove unequivocally how God can take your life and turn it into something that works, ultimately, for your good. She uses biblical illustrations and modern-day stories to back up this truth. Modeline will have you agreeing that God is not predictable and that his methods are not always easy to understand. Yet you'll be convinced that if you are committed to him and his ways, he will somehow amazingly work all things together for your good.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Far too many of us, including myself, have, without realizing it, somehow come to view God more like the proverbial “genie in a bottle” who is ready to grant us our every wish. Serving God, however, is not a ticket to a dreamy life free of hardship and difficulties. What is true is that we can trust God to eventually work all things for our good. We must accept, however, that this will happen on His timetable, not ours.
The Christian journey through life is often difficult, but once we grasp the fact that God is not trying to trick us or hurt us, we will be able to understand what He is doing in our lives. God is for us. He has no intention of hurting us and is certainly not trying to trick you or me.
Perhaps Daneila Francis says it best, “When we truly understand that God causes everything to work together for good (Romans 8:28), then we will begin to open our eyes to see from a new perspective. Let’s journey with God through life’s experiences, with the understanding that He sees everything from a higher altitude, and there is a greater purpose for everything that we have yet to realize. Therefore, in every negative situation or unpleasant circumstance, lies the beauty of positivity and a greater lesson to be learned that will ultimately lead us into our divine destiny.
Our perspective is the determining factor for our attitude towards others, and our approach toward life’s experiences, so we should all take a moment to evaluate the lens through which we view life. My prayer is that God would continually teach us to see with new eyes so that our lens will be adjusted to His wonderful truth. Beauty lies in God’s perspective.”
Chapter 1
It Is Always “Good” From Where God Is Sitting Leah Undesired by Men; Royalty to God!
It is fitting for me to start with the story of the woman whom God used to inspire me to write this book. A woman named, Leah.
You probably know the story. She was the unwanted, the undesired, the unloved, and the one whom Jacob was tricked into marrying. Jacob wanted Rachel - not Leah! Leah was not enough; not good enough for Jacob. And so much so, that he was willing to work an extra seven years in order to be able to marry her sister Rachel, the one he really loved. Leah was not part of Jacob’s plan. Rather, she was an inconvenience to him. She was just a duty; an obligation. But not to God! She was part of God’s plan. Leah was important to God - just as much as Rachel was.
God used both Leah and Rachel to “build the house of Israel”. “Then the elders and all the people at the gate said...May the LORD make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel AND Leah, who together built up the family of Israel.” Ruth 4:11, emphasis mine (The New International Version) We don’t think of or hear about it often, but it seems that in the midst of Leah’s state of rejection, she was reaching out to God. Though not favored by her husband, God surely had not passed her by. In fact, God blessed her with many children. In her quest to be loved by her husband, she bore him six sons and his only daughter. The meaningful names Leah gave her children indicate the close relationship that she was developing with God in the midst of her difficult situation. The name she chose for her fourth born was particularly significant; even proving to be prophetic. Let’s look at the names of her sons. Get the book to finish reading! You will be inspired. You can get this book wherever books are sold. Click here to purchase from Amazon.