Have You Decided to Follow Jesus?
Yes, I have made up my mind to live for the Lord, but there are certain things that I just don’t feel like giving up; certain things I want to hold on to for dear life… is anybody with me?
There is a scripture that the Lord reminds me of when the struggle to keep God first in my life ensues. These beautifully powerful words spoken by Joshua:
Choose you this day whom ye will serve… as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Josh. 24:15, KJV).
It was a courageous and single-minded choice that Joshua had made. He was determined that he and his family would serve God, even if the whole of Israel chose not to.
…And, so, the Lord convicted me of being indecisive (Being honest).
Not the kind of indecisiveness I experience when trying to choose between an ice-cream cone or a sundae, but the kind of indecisiveness that takes hold of one’s faith and keeps your relationship with God distanced. I’m talking about double-mindedness.
A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:15, KJV)
When I think of single-mindedness, I picture a stalwart warrior in ancient times, combating his way through a battlefield with only one objective in mind: to gain victory over the enemy. Double-mindedness can be compared to the opposite of what this soldier looks like. If the warrior were to deter from his focus, his endurance would be forfeited, and his battle lost. This is much the same with each one of us. When we look to the distractions around us, we are not being steadfast or firm in our battle against the world, mainly, the battle against ourselves (the flesh).
When I think of single-mindedness, I picture a stalwart warrior in ancient times, combating his way through a battlefield with only one objective in mind: to gain victory over the enemy.
Being double-minded is defined as being undecided; marked by hypocrisy; insincere. The book of James states that those who possess such a mind are impure-of-heart and unstable. A worthy question to ask ouselves as believers is “Is this me?” It is us all if we do not obey Jesus’ words when He said,
if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. (Luke 9:23, KJV).
Single-mindedness in living for God is choosing to serve one Master - putting your hand to the plough, and never looking back (Matt 6:24; Luke 9:62).
If the warrior were to deter from his focus, his endurance would be forfeited, and his battle lost.
So, let us fight the good fight with courage and perseverance!