The Bittersweet Moment
“Some call it the Miracle Berry.”
I read about an unusual berry that grows in some parts of Africa. When you first put it in your mouth it tastes bitter. But anything you eat after or with it becomes sweet. Some call it the Miracle Berry. I understand why.
This actually reminds me of moments in our life’s journey, particularly in today’s environment of unprecedented events and its ups and downs. But even without a global pandemic, social/racial unrest, and cultural chaos, these very deep heart moments exist in our lives. I call it the bittersweet moment, when something happens in our lives so gut-wrenching, painful, sad…all those words that comprise the unthinkable in the worst way; which may shake you to your very core. But even then, by God’s great mercy, sometimes with tears in your eyes you remember a laugh, the sweetness of a smile, the gift of someone’s presence in your life, beauty in the world, … God’s love. And you rise up out of the pit of your mind or situation because God has imprinted His love in your heart and you are grateful.
In these hard moments, there are times we have no words to describe our feelings. We can’t speak, but God hears and understands the groans of our hearts and helps us. Romans 8:26 says,
In the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
As believers we have a hope in Jesus and His promises to bring us thru hard times and it becomes so real that the joy of the Lord is our strength. These times test our faith. It’s in the testing that we come out stronger. When we take an exam, we may not know all the answers but God does. We must try to remember that when the bitter happens. God loves us unconditionally. No matter what it may look like or feel like, in whatever circumstance, the Lord promises in Hebrews 15:5 that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus died on the cross and rose again so we could have life and more abundantly.
My elderly Dad and Stepmom reside in assisted living. They have basically been on lock down since the start of the pandemic and we have not been able to see them in person for months. Going from seeing them at least a couple of times a week to only phone calls and inconsistent video calls has been tough but better than nothing. On Father’s Day my sister, nephew and I went to drop off some items for them at the front desk as usual. To our surprise they asked if we wanted to see my Dad. Of course, we said yes. We were able to speak with my Dad on the phone as he sat at a table by a big glass window, while we sat on a patio outside on the opposite side of the window. It was so good to see him; even behind a pane of glass. As we started to pray for him before leaving, I started to weep. I felt the sadness and the pain of love and separation. I could not even hug him. But at the same time, I was so happy and grateful for the moment that I truly felt like I had eaten that miracle berry because even though I cried, my bitter tears became tears of joy at seeing my Dad. That’s a God thing. He will turn your sorrow into joy.
I felt the sadness and the pain of love and separation. I could not even hug him. But at the same time, I was so happy and grateful for the moment that I truly felt like I had eaten that miracle berry because even though I cried, my bitter tears became tears of joy at seeing my Dad. That’s a God thing. He will turn your sorrow into joy.
So, as we go thru these moments in life remember Jesus Who suffered and died on the cross. The bitter. Ahhhh… But He rose again in victory…so sweet.
PSALM 30: 11-12 You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy. That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent. Oh Lord my God, I will give thanks to thee forever.
“But even then, by God’s great mercy, sometimes with tears in your eyes you remember a laugh, the sweetness of a smile, the gift of someone’s presence in your life, beauty in the world, … God’s love. And you rise up out of the pit of your mind or situation because God has imprinted His love in your heart and you are grateful.”