I read about an unusual berry that grows in some parts of Africa. When you first put it in your mouth it tastes bitter. But anything you eat after or with it becomes sweet. Some call it the Miracle Berry. I understand why.
This actually reminds me of moments in our life’s journey, particularly in today’s environment of unprecedented events and its ups and downs. But even without a global pandemic, social/racial unrest, and cultural chaos, these very deep heart moments exist in our lives. I call it the bittersweet moment, when something happens in our lives so gut-wrenching, painful, sad…all those words that comprise the unthinkable in the worst way; which may shake you to your very core. But even then, by God’s great mercy, sometimes with tears in your eyes you remember a laugh, the sweetness of a smile, the gift of someone’s presence in your life, beauty in the world, …...love. God’s love. And you rise up out of the pit of your mind or situation because God has imprinted His love in your heart and you are grateful.